Saturday, June 10, 2006

road work

This across from my front door last summer. I covet the truck. The driver wasn't bad either. Played around with the pix in Photoshop to give it a grainy watercolor effect.
     Roadwork at the corner can be a real pain. Means taking alternate routes a couple of miles out of the way just to go to the post office down the road. I suppose I could walk, but then I wouldn't be showing proper fealty to the oil company execs. And if I'm not shelling out 50 bucks every time I fill the tank in the truck, how are those guys gonna get the money to send their kids to private school and shelter them from the likes of you and me?
     Alright, enough ranting. Enjoy the picture. By the way, I've added some new stuff to my Flickr entries [check on the box in the right side cloumn]


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