Sunday, June 25, 2006

pirates and public figures

I wouldn't mind doing unspeakable things with Mr. Johnny Depp. I look foward to his next summer blockbuster, Pirates II, especially since his performance makes his producers nervous. Playing a fey swashbuckler, exuding ambigious sexual messages, but what else can one reasonably expect from a character who likely spent months at sea away from women? Are we to really believe that sex never happened on those long stormy excursions? I sure don't.
     While I will get bored really quick with the publicity hype, I'm comfortable expecting Mr. Depp to perform with high standards, no matter how low his character is seem on the social totem pole.
     Pirates actually held a curious role in early colonial American history, being both heroes [as "privateers"] and villans [scurrilous pirates, yo, ho ho]. While reviled for sometimes brutal ~ even probably sadistic ~ practices, pirates are also to be lauded for establishing collective shared risk pools amongs crews. The quirky [and possibly by now irrelevant] injury charts ["loss of left eye and right leg"] that come with accident insurance policies had their origins in pirate concerns for their fellow crewmen who may have been injured in sea battles.
     Can't say the same is true of todays captains of the corporate world's pirate "ships". They feigned innocent while taking the treasure chest contents entirely for themselves.
     I say put my lot with the pirates of yore, rather than those of present day. That said, I'm equally willing to bask in the fantasy piratedom of Mr. Depp when he comes to a theatre near me this summer.


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